Weekend is just around the corner so to celebrate it I'm doing an award post with all the awards I've been nominated lately! I am so so grateful for them, they just make me keep going with the blog and try to make better content day after day.
Also, before I start with the awards I wanted to announce that the Golden Globes Winner Look is Emma Stone! So stay tuned next week because I'll upload the makeup, a step by step guide and products list to make it. Thank you to all of you who voted and commented, I really hope this turns out well so you are all happy with the result :)
And now, let's go back to the awards!
Hailey from
Hailey's Workshop (click on the name to see her lovely blog!) nominated me to a
Liebster Award. Here are the
· Thank and link the person who has nominated you (follow his or her blog also).
· Answer the questions given by the nominator.
· Nominate 5, 11 or 20 other bloggers (who have less than 200 followers) and link them.
· Create 11 new question for the nominees to answer.
· Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.
And here are the Questions & Answers to Hailey:
What is your favorite ice-cream flavour? Thats a difficult one because it usually depends on my mood but if I have to choose one, I really like Chunky Monkey from Ben&Jerry's
Do you have any pets? Yeees, a little chihuahua that I love! (You can see her on my instagram account)
How did you come up with your blog's name? Glow is a word whose meaning I love, like when you're glowing is because you feel good and happy and that's a feeling I wanted to communicate through my blog. Lab came after it because I like to think that behind makeup there's a lot of chemistry, research and some "secret" formulas that need to be done and I think there's something special about it. Also I love how the laboratories look (clean and bright).
So I mixed both words and created "The Glow Lab" as a space similar to a laboratory where I can share tips, tricks, formulas and other secrets to help you glow and feel good.
What is the one thing you won't leave home without? My phone! I always check it's in my bag.
How many continents have you been to? Europe and America (North America more specifically)
Favourite Book? The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet
Tea or Coffee? Coffee with a bit of milk and sugar.
Are you an introvert, extrovert or a bit of both? I think I am more extrovert than introvert.
What do you enjoy most about blogging? Feeling part of a community and share my passion with other people. Also reading through your comments and see your opinions and advice.
Does it snow where you live? Not really, maybe some winters...but it's not very common.
Where are you writing these answers? On my desk in my laptop.

Marely from
Miss Meeow (link to her blog on the name), Mónica from
El Rincón de Mónica (link on her name) and
Owl Makeup nominated me to the
Dardos Award. What is it about? Well it's an award given between bloggers that recognizes the dedication, creativity and the effort to maintain a blog.
Dardos Award Rules:
· Mention and link the person who nominated you.
· Put the image of this award on your blog.
· Give this award to another 15 bloggers.
· Add a quote that has a special meaning for you.
My Quote: "Life is for deep kisses, strange adventures, midnight swims and rambling conversations"
And these are my 11 Questions for them:
1. Do you prefer to go to the beach or the mountain?
2. Who is your favorite clothes designer?
3. Which TV shows do you watch?
4. Do you prefer sweet or salty food?
5. Which is the last country you've visited?
6. Do you have any favorite song?
7. Which is your favorite makeup product?
8. What book are you reading right now?
9. Do you practice any specific sport?
10. Which is your favorite flower?
11. How did you choose your blog's name?
Again thank you all for your nominations and I hope you've enjoyed all my answers! Kisses!